Important information regarding your Healthplex dental plan
Tricare Prime Coverage
US Family Health Plan is a TRICARE Prime® Designated Provider and has performed this role for over 30 years. We are a TRICARE Prime option open to military retirees and their families, activated families of reservist and guardsmen, survivors and active duty family members. We offer an extensive network of doctors and medical centers in the Tri-State area.
Membership with USFHP entitles you to an array of benefits, including but not limited to:
- Office Visits
- Specialty Care
- In hospital stays
- Outpatient Services
- Lab work/Diagnostic test/X-rays
- Durable Medical Equipment
- OT/PT Services
- Behavioral Health Services
- Pharmacy
- Urgent/Emergent Care (anywhere in the world)
- And more…..
Active duty family members have no enrollment fees, copayments, or deductibles except for prescriptions. For retirees there are low annual enrollment fees* and modest co- pays* for medical services.
US Family Health Plan has extended your health benefit to include integrative health services. Starting 4/1/23 members will enjoy chiropractic care, acupuncture and massage therapy at a minimal copay.
Not sure if we have providers in your area? Visit and click on “Locate a Provider” or Call the Marketing team at (800) 241-4848 option #3 (TTY:711) to find out.
*Enrollment Fees and Co-pays are subject to change annually

The Uniformed Services Family
Health Plan (USFHP)
is a TRICARE Prime® military health care option that’s sponsored by the
Department of Defense.